Umm... Sir? We've got a problem

"Week 3, Day 1. Yesterday was a bad day. We ran into a few problems, and what's worse is that a couple of them could have been fixed.
First off, let me state that we're still in the process of clearing the buildings. We took care of those nasty pigeons from a few days ago by sending in a squad with basic spam weapons. No matter how good a shot you think you are... undead pigeons are harder to hit then you'd think. So shotguns and heavy machine guns did the trick with minimal loses. After they counted the avian bodies they discovered that there must have been near 400 birds in that one building alone. I put in a request to have Ice Man and Lil' Jim's bodies returned to us for proper burial. The squad had my back saying it would be the right thing to do.
Secondly, we've found problems bigger then pigeons. We came across a small animal hospital that still had it's light on. We could hear it from a mile away with that old generator it was pumping. So Hex, Scales, Phoenix, Watcher and I went in to look. I know you'd probably say that's a bad idea, just like splitting up in horror movies... But in a world like this you realize what a comfort it is to have people watching your escape route. So while we were looking around the building trying to find whoever was keeping the generator running we kept finding random body parts. This fact in itself isn't unusual. Zombies don't care which parts they eat first as long as it's still warm flesh. So sometimes things get too cold for them before they can finish. But these parts looked like they'd been surgically removed and then just tossed on the ground. One room we searched actually had a couple zombies hanging from chains on the wall. Hex actually threw up, but part of me thinks he's snuck in a few bottles of alcohol since our day off. But eventually we found our man. Turns out there was an actual doctor in the back of the clinical area, but he didn't seem... right. You know? And the whole time we were walking towards him a noise that wasn't coming from the generator was getting louder too, and it wasn't a happy noise either. The doctor told us he'd been waiting for someone like us from the government to show up.
He'd been waiting for us... That should have been our first clue that our guts weren't lying. We told him to stop and identify himself, but he just walked into a back room and started fiddling with chains. When he'd almost finished he said that he was it's father and that it would listen to him. And as he unfastened the last chain the large bundle in the back of the room stirred. The doctor looked at the bundle like it was his child, with something of a crazed grin on his face. That should have been our second hint that this wasn't going to be pretty. After the bundle across the room started to really kick around the doctor came at us. Nothing but a simple scalpel in his hand, but Hex was slow on his reaction time and we were focusing on the moving blankets. A three bullet burst was excessive for the take down, but after the crazed doctor was dead we realized Hex had the scalpel sticking out of the back of his hand. I should have told him at this point to head outside and get Shakespeare to help him with the medic kit. But as soon as the sound of the bullets died down, the bundle on the table sat up.
With the blankets falling away from it, we saw that this bundle wasn't just a Zombie... it was quite a few Zombies all laced into one body. This thing had six legs that had it walking like an insect. Four massive arms that were surgically enhanced at the ends by removing the hands and turning the forearm bones into sharp spears. A torso twice the size of any normal person. And three heads with those dead, black eyes and the jaws just opening and closing with that unsatiable hunger. Everyone backed away slowly but this thing has already seen us, and we knew what it wanted. When the abomination started to move everything just slowed down in my mind. It moved so much quicker then the other zombies. It may have been the six legs all working at once. Hex was closest and we knew he was gone when it started moving. Four arm-spears to the chest lifted him off the ground and three heads descended on him. One head on either side of his neck and the third right on his face. It happened so quickly that Hex never got any shots off. In the split second it took for him to die we all ran. It wasn't exactly cowardice on our parts, but that was a huge chunk of it. Something like this you see in the movies and think, 'We can take it!!' But in real life... This thing wasn't natural, and it was made specifically for us.
Running back down the hallway, past the hanging Zombies, and out the front door. This thing was coming for us though. It knew we had more meat then Hex did alone. I think that was the very first time I barked orders to my squad. Half the squad knew what had happened, and the other half didn't. But everyone knew enough to listen when I gave an order. Eagle got back on one of the Humvees and lined up with the door. Sphinx, Phoenix and Watcher stood their ground, Bardiche, Shotgun, and Axe ready in their hands. Viper lined up her AK47. Rex and Mako got on the mounted Gatling guns on the Humvees. Kaden, Scales and I got our battle rifles ready. Shakespeare got behind the line of vehicles and poked over the hood with his magnum. And Enrique got beside him with an assault rifle. A perfect semi-circle of death aimed completely at this door. Things got worse when the abomination decided to make it's own door. Cement bricks and concrete flew everywhere to the right as the abomination came rushing through the wall. Every single weapon and body turned towards the exploding debris. Our front line turned to rush towards it, and battle rifles, the AK47, the sniper rifle, and the two mounted guns rained lead into it's body like it was nobody's business. Shotgun rounds punctuated the noise, and the sound of metal cleaving through skin and bone were repeatedly heard. In a sick sort of way, this was the perfect orchestra from hell.
The beast had a running start however and managed to get into the middle of us. Our formation was forgotten in the need to stay alive in this dance of bone and bullets. Kaden and Scales were both speared right beside me. I could feel their life blood spraying onto my face. Phoenix got in from behind and scattered the brain matter of two heads all over the street. And Sphinx managed to take off a couple of it's arms. But the whirling path of destruction wasn't easily forced down. The fire from my battle rifle and Viper's AK47 had literally torn the last head into Swiss cheese. The beast fell forward with the smack of dead weight meeting concrete. After our fierce battle was done, we estimated over 200 bullets and two of our crew were expended to take down the abomination. It was a truly awful day.
Watcher, Sphinx and I went back inside to collect Hex's body and kill the hanging Zombies, while the others maintained the perimeter and got the fuel canisters ready. HQ told us if we had men down or any problems to report then we should send up a smoke signal and someone would contact us. Power was running low in the base and even the radios couldn't be charged all the time. So we burnt the creature that the crazed doctor had called 'it', and we prepped Hex, Kaden, and Scales to be carried away in whatever vehicle would come to contact us while the smoke drifted upwards... Our number is down to 10, including me. Enrique, our ballistics expert. Sphinx, our knight in shinning armour. Shakespeare, our medic. Rex and Mako, our engineer and mechanic. Watcher, our hacker/demolitions expert. Viper, our assassin. Eagle, our sniper. Phoenix, our balls. And me... The Reaper."

Excerpt from the battle log of Steven A. Carpenter. Code Named: Reaper.

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