The First Strike

"Week 2, day 1. It was a dark day when the epidemic broke out. I was a surviving civilian selected to lead a platoon of soldiers into this mess. Word gets around when you can bike for a mile, slay 53 Zombies, and save 3 families in the process. The government picked us up from my dad's shop. He would have been proud to know his auto shop saved 10 of us.
My dad was a strong man... He just didn't believe me when I told him what I knew. One of them was just laying on the ground over another, and all my dad saw was a woman mourning her husband who had suddenly died. It was already too late when she turned around and he saw all the blood and gore dripping from her jaw. It's a dark day indeed when you're a block away from safety and you have to ease your fathers passing and kill his assailant as well. It took mum all she had just to walk away and keep the group moving. I guess she's stronger then I ever thought she could be.
But the past is gone. It's funny that I have to remind myself of that less and less as this goes on. We officially passed the 2 week marker of the epidemic yesterday... But the government likes to keep things hush hush like that. It's been close to a month and a half since the first day and my dad... The best part about it is that I've got my brothers behind me on this. One of the families I saved that first day was like my second family back when the world was normal. And after I was chosen to lead the platoon, my brothers stood beside me and stared down the General like he was nothing. Take us or leave us, I guess. Heh... Good men. Both of them.
So here we are on week 2 day 1 of the epidemic. I started off on this mission with a company of 20, not including me. And after the two weeks we were down to just me and 12 others. It's been a good run though. Every other platoon that was sent out returned after the first week in need of more supplies and troops. We are the best squad out in the field and we've come to trust each other. It's funny... I never really knew how call signs started within an army. Turns out we gave each other names based on what we saw. I wont bother to go through all... but some are pretty good. My brothers got there names pretty quickly. Phoenix got his handle simply because he's the balls of the team. No matter what mess we got into he'd rush in with his shot gun and battle axe and help us rise from the ashes of a failed attempt to engage the enemy. Eagle got his in pretty much the same way. I swear those brothers of mine have a secret radio to each other I don't know about. Whenever Phoenix goes in for a strike, Eagle takes the high ground and unleashed hell with the sniper rifle he took. We've got Enrique in there too. No matter what the standard issue guides tell you, signing doesn't matter. Zombies will find you whether you're quiet or not. When he takes his watch or we're getting ready to go for the day, he'll bust out with a song that we all know. Lately we've been running through a lot of Disney stuff... Hey... when you're in this situation morale is key. Sphinx never does talk much... But a man like him doesn't really need to. 7'3" tall and nothing but pure muscle. His hands are too big for guns, and he accepts that with grace. He's the only one I've ever seen never get tired after walking a few miles carrying his supplies, his weapons, and doing it all wearing a glorious suit of armour. I'd hate to be those Zombies with him as an enemy. 7 feet and 3 inches of shining plate mail armour, a huge maul hammer, a bardiche, two swords and a shield draped over his back. This man is the very figure of a knight come to save the day.
But what really makes me smile is that the troops gave me my handle from all the video games i used to play. But other then my brothers, none of them knew I was a gamer. I guess it doesn't help with my gear, but still. I found a not-so-standard-issue long black coat. Something like Blade used to wear in the movies. I've cut down hoards of Zombies with dual magnums, I've sundered enemies with a Katana or two, and I have reaped the fields of undead with my battle scythe. My men have named me. My enemies have fallen before me.
I am the Reaper, and this is my realm..."

Excerpt from the battle log of Steven A. Carpenter. Code Named: Reaper.

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