How to Read:
The Beginning of the End
I went to use the intercom system to introduce ourselves, but the control panel for it was completely destroyed. All the pounding of fists and bodies from the undead had ruined it for us. Looking around the entrance way to see if there was another controller panel for Watcher to jack into to hack the doors open, I noticed there was a camera above the door. Watching the camera, I saw it quickly move around in it's glass protection.
Calling for the platoon to form lines in front of the door, we quickly formed ranks. All together we saluted the door and kept our stance. Slowly the doors opened with a few guards looking down the barrels of their guns toward us.
Lowering my hand I spoke to the guards softly. "Reaper reporting. We want to know of the survivors inside."
One of the guards had a shocked look on his face after they got a good look at the whole squad. "Phoenix? Is that you?"
Looking over my shoulder to the man himself, Phoenix looked at the guard quizzically. Slowly recognition dawned on his face and he took a step forward. "Shadow? Man... It's been a while."
Both of the men stepped forward and clasped each other's hands, and with that the other guards lowered their weapons...
After we got acquainted, the guards told us that they'd had issues in the past with the talking Zombies that we'd run in to as well. So since then they'd been extra careful with opening the doors. All together in the two bunkers we'd saved 15 guards and 137 civilians, including my mother and Eagle's and Phoenixes' family.
Shadow and the other guards had already rationed out the supplies they had along with keeping a secure line of communication with the second bunker. They'd done extremely well in the circumstances.
After all the initial commotion of our battle outside and securing the area so people could walk outside for short periods of time, things started to get back into their routine. The survivors in the bunker had set themselves to daily tasks of checking the bunker's entrances, and maintaining the essential parts of the bunker. Turns out mankind can learn the skills it needs to survive very quickly when it's needed.
I had taken to walking the halls of the bunker, which seemed to be turning into an underground base of operations, if smaller then the main building itself. I noticed a couple doctors walking down the halls in my direction. Continuing on my walk I saw that the room the doctors had gone into was a nursery ward. A few mothers were laying on beds holding their new babies, with family members or friends standing around them. Even with all the darkness of the world, it's good to know that new hope and new life can still flourish.
'Hey Reaper! Wait up!'
When I turned to see who had called me, I saw Viper running down the hall towards me. Instantly panic flooded my mind. 'Is something wrong? Have more undead followed us?' I asked urgently.
'No. Nothing like that Reaps. I just realized we haven't spoken in a while. You've been really quiet since... Well... you know.'
'Ah.Ya. Well I've been thinking a lot.'
'Mhmm. I can tell.'
'So far the bite doesn't hurt unless I think about it,' I said, subconsciously scratching the place where the Zombie's tooth pierced my skin. 'I was just thinking I should talk to the docs about it.'
'That's probably a good idea. We should do that now!'
And she suited her words as quickly as that and looped her arm around mine, steering us both towards the doctor's main office. As we walked closer to the doctors I felt my palms start to sweat. I didn't get this nervous walking towards a swarm of undead. But this was very different. This time I was the undead... or the beginning stages of it possibly.
Stopping in front of a door that read 'Dr. Andrews, Ph.D.' I took a deep breath and raised my hand to knock.
'What if they can't help you?' said a voice in the back of my mind. 'What if you tell them and they just shoot you? What if they don't shoot you, but they tell everyone else? You should go back and say good bye first. Yes, go back. Back. Go away. Run. Run! RUN DAMN YOU!!!'
Flinching back from these thoughts bombarding my mind and taking a step away from the door, I looked away from Viper so she wouldn't see the weakness on my face.
'You know I'm right,' cooed the voice in my mind. 'They wont want to help someone who's turning into a flesh eater.'
'No... I will not run from this,' I muttered back to the voice.
'Reaper? Did you say something?' Asked Viper
'They wont be able to help you. Once someone's bitten it's only a matter of time until they change.' The voice was becoming louder, an edge forming to the tone. 'You need to run. You need to get away and save yourself. You know your friends will just be hunting you later. Why stay with them now?'
'No! I will not run!' I called back to the voice.
'WHY WONT YOU LISTEN TO ME!?' The rage of the booming voice felt like daggers in my mind. 'I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU LIVE! YOU MUST RUN!'
'NO!' I screamed, falling to my hands and knees. 'No I will NOT run!' Panting heavily and shaking from this mental assault, the voice in my mind chuckled darkly, slowly fading away.
'Reaper! Oh God! Doctor! Help!' Viper called out as she rushed down to me. Wrapping her arms around my shoulders and holding me close as I continued to shake.
'I wont... I can't run... I can't...' I muttered softly when I could breathe normally again.
'I know hun. I know. I'll help you through this. You're not alone. You have friends that care about you here.'
Looking back into Viper's eyes, I could tell she saw the pain on my face, and the fear in my eyes. Her features softened and the worry in her eyes faded away. 'Come on Reaps. It'll be ok. Let's just get this checked out, and see what the doctors say,' she spoke reassuringly.
Nodding slowly, she and another doctor helped me to my feet. We walked into Dr. Andrews office to see what could be seen."
Excerpt from the battle log of Steven A. Carpenter. Code Named: Reaper.
To See What Could Be Seen
I looked back over my shoulder to look at Viper. She had positioned herself at the door to make sure no one came in during this examination. I saw the fear and sadness on her face just before she put on a little smile.
'You found a tooth in your arm after you fought past the Zombies to get to us, and you assumed the worst. Unfortunately for you, the worst thing you could have imagined is becoming the truth,' continued the doctor. 'It seems as though because of the size of the puncture and the fact that it was only one tooth and not the complete jaw, it'll will be a slow transformation. I can't say how slow... But I believe you might have around two or three weeks.'
'That long? Well if you're telling me this, that must mean you don't have a cure.' Looking across the room to where Dr. Andrews sat, occasionally clenching an unclenching his fists. I took a breath and steadied myself. 'Doctor, please. You don't need to be so nervous. I don't bite, you know.'
Dr. Andrews' eyes immediately became as round as saucers and I knew my attempt at humour had failed just like the others. 'No! Of course not!' he stammered quickly. 'It's just... Well honestly look at this situation.' Flinging his arms up in despair and letting his head hang. 'It's just that I wish you weren't going to kill me for telling you what you already knew.'
This time it was Viper's and my turn to bulge our eyes. 'Wait what? What do you mean kill you?' She asked.
Andrews didn't even look up at us as he spoke. 'You're going to kill me because I know your secret. That's how it always went in the movies.'
Relaxing with the understanding of his train of thought, I slowly walked over to him and laid a hand on his shoulder. 'Well it's a good thing that this isn't the movies then isn't it, my good doctor?' He looked up slowly with confusion and hope in his eyes. 'We're not going to kill you. You can help the people in this bunker better with a pulse.' And to make sure he got the lighter tone I was trying to set, I winked at him with a smile. 'Honestly, all I want you to do is not tell anyone...' Leaning over to whisper in his ear, 'I'll be gone soon anyways. I promise.'
Straightening myself and pulling the doctor up with me to make it look like I'd meant to help him up, we both started walking towards the door. 'That's right,' affirmed Viper. 'Just keep your good ol' doctor patient confidentiality and we'll all be just fine.'
As we left the doctors office I turned us towards the mess hall. 'Finally feel like seeing your troops huh?' Viper said, looking at me from the corner of her eyes.
'Not really. Just need to see my brothers for a bit.'
'Oh... Want me to leave you guys alone?'
'No. I want you there with me.' I dug deeply into my pocket and pulled out a small match box. Shaking it lightly, the tooth rattled merrily in it's confines. 'They deserve to know. And heck... I haven't hidden anything from them yet. Now that I know the truth... It's time they did too.'
Emerging into the mess hall and spotting my brothers sitting with my sister and parents, I changed course to head towards them.
'Well... You know I'm right beside you hun. Always have been, always will be.'
Eagle spotted us walking over and waved, smiling. 'Hey Viper. What's up Reaps?'
'Hi Steve, it's been a while,' said Valerie with smiles from our parents.
'Hey Val, mum, dad. Umm... we need to talk. Somewhere more quiet.'
Phoenix looked at me worriedly. 'What's up bud? Something wrong?'
Chuckling darkly, I looked at him with a sad smile on my face and tossed the match box to him. 'You have no idea...'"
Excerpt from the battle log of Steven A. Carpenter. Code Named: Reaper.
Something Wrong?... You Could Say That.
'Bitten,' whispered Phoenix, but in the silence of the room it seemed like an explosion.
'Changing,' muttered Eagle.
'And very slowly?' asked Valerie. 'So you have no idea how long it will take?
'The doc said it might be around two weeks. But no concrete information to make that estimate reliable. I honestly don't know how long it will take. But we all know once you've been bitten it's only a matter of time until the change happens. I'm sorry to have to tell you this. But I figure it's better then you wondering where I've gone.'
'Gone?' asked Watcher as he turned from the window.
'What do you mean gone?' demanded Eagle.
'Well I thought it would be safest if I left. I mean... come on. I don't want to be locked in a room for the rest of my life. And what harm can it be for me to walk around outside? I'm already going to die,' I tried to explain.
'But what if we find a cure?' questioned Valerie. 'We have labs here in the base. We could clear those out and put them to good use.'
'No Val. You know I'm no good with needles.' I tried to laugh, but could only make a small smile.
Phoenix stood up quickly grasping his shotgun. 'Well I'm not just going to let you walk around then come back and try to kill us after you're dead!'
Calmly looking above the barrel of Phoenix's shotgun, I shrugged. 'If you think I'd let myself become one of those brainless bastards then go ahead. I think I can still help until my time comes. But if you'd like to not take that chance, then take things into your own hands.' Very slowly, I stood up and put myself directly infront of the end of the barrel. 'I guess what I'm really asking... Is do you trust me? With the lives of the people in this bunker, with the lives of the squad, with my own life. Do you trust me?'
After a moment of this standstill, Phoenix smoothly took his shotgun and slung it over his shoulder. Looking into my eyes with a crooked smile he said 'Well at least you're not just going to sit down and die.'
Smiling back and grasping his shoulder, I turned to the others and began to lay down my thoughts over the past couple of days.
I'd thought of the 'intelligent' Zombie Private Jake Peters. He was definitely dead yet he could still talk and had improved maneuverability compared to the other Zombies we'd seen. Somehow Peters had died while holding on to some of his intelligence.
The basis of my plan was to go out and back into the city. If I could find out how to keep the brain supplied with air as an infected person died, then it may lead us to find a way to cure at least some part of the plague. Death doesn't have to be the end for us. Or maybe with finding the way to keep the brain oxygenated I'll find the man responsible for coming up with the method. And they may have more knowledge about how to stop the infection.
Of course there's always a chance of me dying before the answers could be found or before I can bring the answers back. But if it's a death by being eaten alive... Well... I'm dying already right?
'But why do you have to go alone? Why can't we come with you?' demanded Watcher. 'Why can't you take the squad? You'd be safer then.'
'I had thought about it. Calling it a mission for the truth. But what if I died during my sleep? I might not make any sound as I crawl from my blanket and take a chunk out of someone else. Besides, I can sneak around easier then the bunch of us can. I'd be putting you at risk.'
'And how is that different from before, Reaps? I mean... we put each other at risk every time we went into battle,' Eagle pointed out.
'Ya. We're coming with you!' seconded Phoenix.
'Guys... Please.' Looking up at them slowly. 'You've never been in danger from me. I can't think of what I'd do if I ever hurt you. Whether I was alive or dead.'
Slowly I turned around and headed towards the door. Trying not to let them see the hurt and fear in my eyes was the hardest part. Of course I wanted them with me. My one fear that stayed with me through this apocalypse was dying alone. Unlocking the door, I kept my face down but spoke back to the others. 'I just... I just can't lose any more of you.' And with that I left the room filled with my family and friends, and went to prepare my supplies. I'd be leaving as soon as possible. Hopefully it would make leaving easier. After all... I'd be leaving my life behind again... This time, for the last time."
Excerpt from the battle log of Steven A. Carpenter. Code Named: Reaper.
A Final Story For A Final Point - Watcher
'Well, if you’ll all excuse me, I have to see a man about a horse.' Nobody objected, so I exited and walked down the hall searching for my target. It seemed that I was constantly one step behind him until I saw him leaving the Kitchen. I kept my distance so as to not alert him of my presence, I wanted to see what he would do.
As I followed him down the hall he seemed to walk more slowly than usual, head hanging down, almost like he was focusing on the sound of his boots hitting the floor.
He led me next to the Armoury. I half expected him to collect some new gear, but all he grabbed was ammunition; I guess he formed some sort of emotional bond to those guns and that sword. I don’t see why, I always enjoy upgrading to newer models.
He was walking very slowly now, and judging by his direction he was heading towards the exit. As soon as I saw him stop in place it became evident to me that it was time to make myself known. He didn’t want to go, he needed someone to give him a kick in the pants. I didn’t feel like violence at the moment so I took a different route.
I slowly walked toward him making heavier footsteps so that he’d hear me. Sure enough, he turned around with a look of hope and terror on his face that would make anyone feel pity for him, but he was never one for enjoying pity, this was Reaper at his darkest.
I was the first to speak.
'Reaper, why are you still here?' I asked.
'I, I don’t know, I was about to leave but I heard you walking up so I –',
'You know that’s not true.' I interrupted, finally showing enough emotion to not be unnerving. I walked a little closer, 'I was hoping that you hadn’t gone yet, I wanted to tell you something in private.'
'What is it?' Reaper asked, obviously glad for the distraction from leaving.
'A Story.'
'What Story?'
'One you’ve never heard before...'
'Dad, why did you join the Army?' James asked, sitting in his Father’s study, while his Dad looked over his book into his son’s inquisitive eyes.
After a short pause and look to the fireplace he spoke. 'Well, I was around the same age as you were when you joined, and back then all I could think about was the guns, the travelling... and the Women, of course!' He let out a slight chuckle. 'It was all about the Adventure, the feeling of Grandeur. But son, eventually that feeling wore down. For a while I had no idea why I was where I was, and frankly, I just didn’t care when I won or lost the next day, at least death would provide an adventure that didn’t happen every day.'
James looked shocked, but still interested, 'What did you do?' His Father looked back at him, 'It wasn’t what I did, it was what people around me did that made me change my outlook.' He closed his book and set it on the coffee table between them and picking up his black Coffee, taking a slow sip, savouring the bitter taste and it went down. 'I never really considered the severity of the situation until I was assigned to a platoon that was put in charge of guarding a village near the southern edge of
“Mastering others makes you strong, mastering yourself makes you fearless.” James chimed in. His Father grinned, 'Sun Tzu. That’s the stuff, son. Maybe someday you’ll join the Military, but I don’t want you to go through what I went through,' He looked at the fireplace, glowing with a steady flame, 'nobody should ever have to go through that again.'
'I had that conversation with my father when I was thirteen. Not long afterwards I went to a Military school of my own volition.'
'Why are you telling me this?' Reaper asked, at that point he didn’t see the point to what I was saying, and frankly neither did I, I like telling stories and this might be the last time I get to tell one to my old friend.
'Well,' I began, 'for one, I just felt like telling you that before you’re gone, and also that was the last time I ever saw my father before he was brought back into the Military to serve.'
'At his age?' Reaper asked, I replied, 'He was sharp, nobody else had a mind like him, he was a brilliant strategist, and without his teaching, I’d be dead right now a million times over. Let’s fast forward a bit to after we graduated from College and went our separate ways. The Third of July.'
James was home after celebrating his promotion from a Private to a Commissioned Officer, a Second Lieutenant.
'Mom,' James began, staring out the kitchen window into the field in the back yard, 'have you heard from Dad at all since he left?'
'No, unfortunately.' She replied, 'But after all these years, you come to certain inevitable conclusions. All I’ve heard is what you’ve heard.'
He squinted, eyeing the Vultures in the sky circling over a carcass in the middle of the field. 'I just wish they’d tell me what he was sent to do; they just said it was classified.'
'Boy, why are you thinking such gloomy thoughts on a day like this? Look at yourself, your face is always so stiff; I can never tell what you’re thinking, and dinner’s almost ready, go wash your face, your brother and sister will be here soon.' James’ mother walked off into the dining room with a stack of plates and he went into the bathroom in the hall to clean up.
The sun was setting as assorted distant family and friends arrived to celebrate the occasion, James didn’t feel that it was very necessary, after all, Second Lieutenant isn’t too impressive to say. He stepped downstairs to a crowd of relatives clapping, a nice, warm welcome.
'It’s a shame your father isn’t here to see this, eh boy?' James’ uncle said casually, 'He would’ve been tickled pink, I tell you what.'
The conversations went on for about half an hour before James’ Mother began to fret about the food getting cold so everyone adjourned to the dining room to eat, it wasn’t long after they had sat down that there came a knock at the door.
'Well who could that be? Isn’t everyone here?' James’ Aunt asked looking inquiringly around the table, looking for a few missing heads.
'I’ll get it' James said, getting up from the table and walking through the living room to the front door. He found himself facing two badges belonging to CIA agents. 'Second Lieutenant Watcher?'
'That’s my codename, yes.' James replied, 'What is it?'
'We need you to come with us.'
'So what happened?’ he asked. He seemed to have forgotten what he was doing by this time.
‘Well, it turns out that they were involved in the project that my Father was working on. This Zombie problem was around far longer than we both thought. They blindfolded me when I got in their car and when they took it off I was inside of a Military base.’
Reaper looked genuinely interested, ‘What do you mean?’
I answered, ‘Well, the project that my Father was working on was actually studying the Parasite that was causing these Humans to act the way they were acting, they did all kinds of tests on various animals and insects as well. Not many are immune apparently as you know. Long story short, there was an outbreak in the holding cells where the Zombie specimens were being kept and a large number of them escaped and attacked the workers, apparently my Father didn’t make it out.’
Reaper looked at the ground, ‘You never told me about your Dad before. So did he... you know?’
‘Turn into a Zombie? No, they ate him, and then a large number of them managed to escape into the open.’ I replied, casually.
I continued, ‘Needless to say, I was mad. By the time they had finished briefing me on what my Father had been involved in, it was around 7 PM on the fourth of July. They had discreetly cancelled the fireworks celebration telling people that there was going to be an Air Raid Drill.’
‘That was the day of the outbreak!’ Reaper stated, piecing the timeline together in his head.
‘Yes indeed.’ I replied, ‘That was also the deciding moment where I became what I am today. They told me to head home and that there was a car waiting to escort me back. I obliged and went to the bay that they specified; sure enough, a black unmarked car was waiting for me with a driver waving me over. I got in and just as I sat down I reached forward and knocked the driver unconscious.’
Reaper looked surprised, ‘Why did you do that?’
‘Home wasn’t the destination I had decided on, and I knew that the driver wouldn’t be agreeable to my plan. I dumped him out of the car and drove off to another Military Base nearby where I had been stationed, all of my things were there, and I knew my way around.
When I got there, I took a Humvee and loaded it with weaponry, anything I could get my hands on, Pistols, shotguns, grenades, I even found a rocket launcher which was unusual, and of course, lots of automatics.
All of the weaponry I loaded into the back must have ended up weighing it down an extra five hundred pounds, but I didn’t care, I didn’t care whether I lived or died at that point, I just wanted those parasites to know that I didn’t want them to be happy, and I didn’t want them to succeed in anything they planned on doing while they controlled my brethren, my comrades.’
Reaper looked very interested and a little intimidated at this point, ‘So were you just going to go around hunting them down?’
‘That would’ve taken way too much time, remember I told you that the Fourth of July celebration was cancelled? It was nightfall by the time that I finished loading up the Humvee and I drove off towards where the fireworks celebration was supposed to be held, around five miles or so away from the town. Thankfully, due to the last minute cancellation and lazy workers, the fireworks were left laying there, any kid could’ve just grabbed these up and had a grand old time with them, but these fireworks weren’t meant for them. They were bait.
I wasn’t sure whether it would work, but I wasn’t going to let them go to waste. I lit them all up and they fired off into the sky, brilliant lights, and then a booming sound like a Cannon. If that didn’t gather the infected then I didn’t know what would. Sure enough, not even two minutes later I saw some Zombies walking along towards the source.
I popped the back hatch of the Humvee and took out my first choice, a Pistol. I never took time to memorize the names of different guns, their names weren’t as important as their effectiveness, and this one always felt comfy in my hands.
As soon as they appeared I shot them right through their foreheads, the fireworks still going off strong, every time I shot one, a few more appeared, I grabbed a second pistol and started gunning down two at a time. This continued on for about five minutes until I ran out of ammunition for the pistols I had stocked.
The Zombies continued to gain in number until I believed that nearly every single infected person within the state was walking towards me. They were fresh, and I couldn’t have been angrier.
I reached into the Humvee and pulled out the Grenades. I pulled the pins and hurled them into the center of the legion of Zombies coming towards me, their effectiveness was measureable, but still helpful.’
‘How did everything turn out?’ Reaper asked, seemingly on the edge of his seat.
‘I had been fighting for around two hours, and while my body might have grown tired, my mind was still reeling, I was still incredibly angry, I wanted to release every single one. Weapon after weapon after weapon, I eventually went through every single Machine Gun and even that Rocket Launcher that I had found and there ended up being approximately thirty Zombies left.
I had run out of guns, but not out of Spirit, I had one weapon left.
Before I left the Base, I went into my office and took my Dad’s old Battle Axe that he had above the Mantle in the house, back when he was still around, off of my wall and took it with me. It felt good in my hand; it was heavy but still manoeuvrable. I took it in hand and looked toward the group of Zombies still in front of me.
And then, the most interesting and strangest thing I have ever witnessed happened.” Reaper just stood there wide-eyed, he had never heard the story of my Axe before.
‘The Zombies stood there, and looked at me.
I wasn’t about to just stand around and have a little Tea Party with them, I ran at them, yelling at the top of my lungs with my axe above my head. A number of them came to their senses and walked forward with their arms outstretched, they were the first to go. I cleaved their heads in two.
I’m not sure how it happened, I wasn’t focusing on anything at that point, but at one point I had lost my Axe, and I was furious, I ran towards the next one and grabbed his head with one hand and started to squeeze. I squeezed and I squeezed until I felt it give way in my fist, I tore the Zombie’s forehead off and pulled his brain out piece by piece until there was nothing left inside, the Zombie falling limp onto the ground, and just like that, it was over.’
Reaper looked shocked, ‘You must have been pretty pissed. You always seemed more level headed than that. What happened afterwards?’
‘I collapsed and someone found me among the bodies. I woke up in the Hospital the next day, a few bruises but surprisingly, nothing serious.
After that, I was told that I should’ve been Court-Martialed, but instead I was promoted and they put me in the Green Berets, soon after I was told to lead a Platoon down to Arizona to control an outbreak down there, soon after I joined your crew and here we are.’
Reaper looked at me and I looked at him for a long time, Reaper seemed to be looking for something to say, so I finished the conversation for him, ‘So to conclude my friend, you know that I can and will attack a Zombie on command, and you know that I am a trained Soldier. Here’s what I’ve been trying to get at all this time: If I ever run into you, and you are no longer yourself, I will kill you with my bare hands.’
Reaper paused and then replied, ‘I hope so. Goodbye my friend.’
‘Not goodbye,’ I stated, ‘I’ll see you later."
Excerpt from the battle log of James S. Code Named: Watcher.
When Will You Listen? - Viper
'I was wondering who would be the first to ask,' said Eagle smiling. 'Quickly brought up too. Hardly any time between that door closing and you speaking up.'
Blinking the tears away from my eyes I responded. 'Ya, well he has a promise to keep to me. And I mean to have that promise fulfilled before he dies.' I looked at everyone in the room. 'So who's coming?'
'We're in!' sounded Phoenix, elbowing his brother softly.
'Good. So you're all agreed,' Valerie said as she got up from her chair. Walking around the table to stand in front of Viper, 'You just make sure to bring all of my brothers home safe OK?'
'No worries,' I said with a playful smile forming on my lips. 'I'll make sure they come home. Safe and sound.'
Sitting back down at the table, we began to make our plan. If we come by Reaper too close to the bunker he might send us back. But we have to stay close enough to him to know where he is and know when he moves. Not to mention we needed to plan our rations again, get our weapons resupplied, and get ready to move.
A sudden knock at the door was the only warning we had of someone walking in. Three quick raps on the door, the knob was turned, and in stepped one of the guards from our first day here.
'Shadow...' Phoenix looked back over his shoulder and smiled crookedly at his friend. 'You know sometimes just knocking isn't enough to be polite. Could have waited for us to say something first.'
'I know, I know,' Shadow responded while rolling his eyes. 'But seriously, I thought you guys should know. Reaper just left. What's that about?'
Looking around the room I quickly noticed that I wasn't the only one with a startled look on my face. 'I thought he said he'd be leaving tonight? This is much earlier then I thought he would go.'
'No kidding,' sighed Phoenix.
'That is one determined guy,' finished Eagle.
'Alright. So we leave tonight?' I asked.
Watcher walked into the room slowly, taking in the scene. 'Reaper just left? This speeds stuff up. If we don't leave soon we might lose him. Doesn't take that long to walk back to the city. I mean... You are going after him right?'
'Wait, wait. What? You guys are leaving too? What's going on?' asked Shadow with a bit of panic in his voice.
'Man...' cursed Phoenix as he looked at the rest of us. 'I'm sorry guys. I don't know of any other way to explain it.' He slowly bent over the table, picked up the tooth and lobbed it to Shadow. With Shadow looking at the tooth in confusion, Phoenix answered his question from before. 'We're going after Reaper. That's a tooth that he plucked out of his arm. A Zombie bit him while we were trying to clear that mess from outside. He just found out he was definitely screwed earlier today and he told us. He's left because he doesn't want to hurt anyone. And we're going after him because he's a friend that needs our help. Besides... ' He winked at the group, 'can't let a brother go down alone.'
Shadow stood with a very odd look on his face. 'You're all going... To save a dying man?'
Two quick steps brought me right in front of him and grabbing him by his shirt. 'He is not going to die! I don't care what that doctor said! I'm going to find a way to cure Reaper!'
'Whoa, whoa! Alright!' blurted Shadow.
Releasing his shirt and stepping away slowly, 'Sorry... I-I just don't like hearing that kinda talk. Reaper and I have been friends for a long time. I just don't want to imagine life without him.'
Walking up from behind Valerie gently took my hand in hers. 'Ya, we've all known Reaper for a while. Maybe not as long, but we know him. We're all part of his life. That's why we're going to try and help him.'
Squeezing her hand gently I looked back at Shadow. 'So... You're not to tell anyone why we've left. No one outside of this room should know why Reaper left. And as far as their concerned we went with him. Got it?'
With a smile slowly forming on his lips, Shadow walked over to Phoenix and playfully shoved his shoulder with a fist. 'It's gunna be hard for me to tell anyone where you guys have gone, when I'm out there with you, wont it?'
Shadow laughed softly as all of us asked the same question in unison. 'Well ya. I mean everyone's got to die some time or another, right? And I'd rather not just sit here in this bunker waiting for my time to come. Besides Phoenix is right. Can't let Reaper go out alone.'
Looking at each of the others in turn, I nodded slowly. Eagle, Phoenix, Watcher, Shadow, and myself. Five of us. Six once we reach Reaper. Our chances weren't great to begin with. But Shadow looked like he knew what he was getting into. 'Alright. Let's get to it.'
And with that we began. Quickly dividing up our tasks, we set to work. Phoenix and Shadow went to get our ammunition and gear. Watcher and Eagle went to get our rations ready. And Val and I went to check with the bunker security team to let them know we'd be leaving shortly and then to check with the doctors as well. Medical supplies might come in handy with Reaper slowly dying, and Val will be working with the doctors while we're gone to try and find a cure. I hope she makes some breakthroughs soon.
After all our tasks had been completed, the sun had already dipped behind the horizon. Our gear split between us, and our packs on our backs. I looked at each of the others who had smiles on their faces.
'Well... About time we went and joined Reaper, huh?' stated Watcher looking at the others as well. And as the bunker doors opened in front of us, Eagle, Phoenix, Watcher, Shadow and myself took our first steps back outside and didn't look back.
'I don't care where you go. I don't care how long it takes to find you. I will not lose you.'"
Excerpt from the battle log of S.M. Porter. Code Named: Viper.
Backtracking Through Memories
I figured I'd take it slow for the first bit. I plan on finding my answers before I bite the dust, and to do that I need to be careful. I managed to walk back to the forest near the edge of town. 'Might as well go back to where we met Private Jake Peters to start my search.'
Looking down to the ground to see if all was clear before I jumped down, I made a mental note to try and stop talking to myself. I've realized that the silence in this Zombie infested world can be just as frightening as the moan of a hoard coming towards you. And sense the team isn't with me anymore... I might as well take both parts in the conversation. It was a quirk back from my excessive gaming days that I never really quite got over.
Walking through the trees, and carefully trying to spot anything moving in the forest around me, I made it back to the same clearing that we had been in on that odd encounter. Looking to where Peters had broken through the tree line, I saw the conversation happen all over again. Peters, looking dead yet still talking somewhat coherently. Me, asking him questions with the team behind me. Then Vipers knives in his legs, my shot to his chest, a final pause and then Eagle putting a bullet through each eye.
With the images dissolving from view, I turned to look at the rest of the clearing. A new vision bubbled to the surface of my mind. Everyone else sleeping soundly with Viper and I as the night's watch. Leaning against each other reliving the world before the plague. Holding her hand as she rested her head on my shoulder. Then came the sunrise and a pleasant exchange with Eagle before starting the day.
The second flashback dissolving away into the air, but leaving my eyes damp with tears. It's only been one day, but dying alone has always been my fear. And knowing that I'll probably never see everyone I had gotten close to again was a heavy weight on my mind.
Wiping my eyes on my sleeve and adjusting the pack on my back, I looked back to Private Peter's entrance. 'Time to start going I guess.' And nodding to my own statement I followed suit. Grasping the handle of my battle rifle and turning the safety off, I broke through the trees and started off towards town.
It was odd walking down this path. Not just for the fact that I was walking the same path that the Zombie I might become did. It was the nature. I could still see broken branches and stomped grass where Peters had walked through. But on top of that there was new grass coming up in the small patches of dirt. The leaves on the trees seemed greener then they did when we came through these woods the first time. If nature was healing... Maybe we would have a chance as well. Maybe humans would be able to heal from this plague.
The sharp snap of a twig being stepped on brought me out of my thoughts. Swinging around and raising the sight to my eye, I quickly looked for where the sound might have come from. Definitely behind me, but any more then that I couldn't tell. I wish Viper were here. She could have pointed it out with no problems.
Shaking my head softly to get my attention back to matters at hand, I slowly turned around and kept walking down my path. Rifle securely in my hands and my ears trying to pick up any sound they could, I knew I had to get out of this forest. If I got cornered by Zombies here, then my leaving would be for practically nothing. Picking up the pace, I continued through the trees tracking Peters progression backwards as best as I could. It helped that Zombies don't exactly watch where they're walking. There were enough broken twigs to keep the trail visible.
A couple of times I heard movement behind me, but it seemed like I was gaining ground between us so I didn't worry. By the time I broke through the tree line on the other side of the forest the sun was just sitting on top of the horizon. I needed to find a place to spend the night, and quickly.
Looking around at the buildings in front of me, most of them seemed to be little one floor shops. 'I guess it'll have to do.' Walking towards one of the buildings, I noticed myself scratching at my elbow. Taking conscious control of my hand I placed it back on the grip of my gun and shook my head slowly. Talking to myself and subconsciously scratching my bite... 'Well,' I shrugged, 'things could be worse.'
I stopped in front of a little shop. It looked good enough for the night. Iron grate shielding the window, heavy metal door leading into the shop, and what looked like a metal grate above the counter too. Either this was a rough neighbourhood or someone had a lot of spare metal when the plague started.
Leaning my battle rifle against the side of the building, I took out the lock pick kit I'd found back at the bunker. It was a good idea to bring it along just in case. I wasn't exactly practiced with the equipment, but after a few tries I had unlocked the door and replaced the kit in my bag. Picking up my gun and flicking on the attached flashlight, I slowly moved in. There was still enough light coming through the window for me to see, but I didn't know if someone was still in here or not.
'Hello?' I called. 'Anybody home?'
Waiting for a response and getting none, I started to search the room. Nothing behind the counter. Nothing in the bathrooms. And nothing but overturned and disorganized boxes in the supply closet. 'Maybe this was just my lucky night,' I thought as I looked out the front window.
As soon as the thought had crossed my mind, 5 figures slid out from the forest. The way they were moving they were definitely not the normal type of Zombie. And I thought I knew 4 of the shapes moving away from the cover of the trees, but I couldn't be sure with the descending darkness.
I slowly opened the door and was about to ask who it was when I heard five voices drift down the street from the group.
'For a long time we've been marching off to battle,
In our thund'ring herd we feel a lot like cattle.'
Chuckling to myself lightly as I heard the code, I wondered if they had thought of the same things when they passed through the clearing in the woods. Cupping my hands around my mouth to project my voice up the street, I softly sang the reply.
'Be our guest,
Be our guest.
Put our service to the test.'
Before I had even finished the song, one of the shapes bolted away from the others and came straight in my direction. Stepping out into the street, and into whatever light was left, just in time to catch Viper as she jumped into my open arms. Hugging each other tightly as the others walked towards us, she nuzzled my cheek and whispered in my ear. 'Don't you dare leave me again Reaper. Just because I can find you no matter where you go, doesn't mean I want to have to.'
Sighing lightly against her shoulder, I replied just as softly. 'I guess you're right. But I did have a good reason for leaving. You know that, right?'
Loosening her grip, she stepped back and looked up into my eyes. 'I know. But we have a good reason for coming.'
The others stopped beside her and nodded with agreement. 'Can't let a brother go down alone,' said Eagle.
'Besides, you'd probably go crazy without us,' finished Phoenix with a wink.
'You guys have no idea,' I commented. 'I've been talking to myself a lot lately.'
'And when is that any different from you normally?' asked Viper, rolling her eyes with a smile.
With laughter from everyone, I invited them inside. Whatever answers are out there, whatever evil awaits... We'll face it together, and we'll see each other through 'til the end. That's just how families work."
Excerpt from the battle logs of Steven A. Carpenter. Code Named: Reaper.
When a Dying Man Can't Sleep...
'You said you haven't been out of the bunkers before this right?'
'That's right...' replied Shadow. 'But I'm ready for it. I wont let you guys down.'
'Hah. That's not what I'm worried about bud.' Gently nudging his shoulder with mine, I tried to find the words to explain. 'Look out this window. What do you see?'
Looking at me with a sceptical expression, he answered slowly. 'Buildings, street lights, some trash on the road... Anything specific I'm supposed to look for, Reap?'
Shaking my head slowly, 'No. Nothing specific to look for. Just the absence of things. Those buildings, notice the dust everywhere. No one's cared for that building in quite some time. Those lights there? They haven't had electricity to power them in just as long. The city is empty of life except for us.
What I'm trying to get at here is that, until now, you've been surrounded by living people. With the problems they face, the fears they have, and whatever happiness they share. Out here it's different. There's us, and only us. I don't know if the others told you or not, but I'm the one that suggested the silly Disney songs to be used as communication in the team. I did that to try and give things a lighter mood.'
Looking back towards the sleeping forms of the others, I took my time trying to think of my next words. 'Killing changes people. But killing Zombies is worse. We see people in their worst moments twice. Once in the fact that we see the horrors people went through as they died, and twice when we kill them ourselves. I think it hit the boys the hardest. Eagle losing his fiance, and Phoenix seems to be taking the plague on a personal level... Just don't let it change you too much, ok? And if you need to talk, then talk. Don't hold it in. That just makes it harder.'
And with that, I patted Shadow on the back, and we held the watch until the sun rose to greet us. A new day... What else will come to greet us?"
Excerpt from the battle logs of Steven A. Carpenter. Code Named: Reaper.
'I Guess We'd Better Get Started'
He theorized that the reason Zombies don't maintain the intelligence of the person the used to be is because of those precious moments between death and becoming undead. When the body dies, the influx of oxygen to the brain stops. Without oxygen being carried to the brain, its cells begin to die. If someone were to be kept on a breathing apparatus as they died, keeping the body oxygenated, they might be able to salvage their brain power.
That is a definite possibility of how Private Peters was able to communicate while the other Zombies cannot. And to make that process a reality, all one would need to do is visit a hospital and find the equipment. Of course, you would need to know what you're looking for to begin with. But if the plan is to make yourself a member of the walking dead then you'd better know what you're doing.
As for the necessary equipment to finding a possible cure, the hospital would be the best bet as well for a starting location.
'There are three hospitals in this town,' said Phoenix, looking at his map. 'The closest one is about an hour and a half walk.'
'I guess we'd better get started then, shouldn't we?' I offered to the group.
Packing our gear and getting everything ready for travel, everyone seemed to get into their own little groups. Eagle and Phoenix were in the corner packing their gear and quickly cleaning their weapons. Watcher was behind the counter of our borrowed corner store, making sure his portable computer was charging nicely. He'd found a way to hook up at solar panel to the battery pack so that he could keep it running when he really needed it. Shadow and Viper were checking their equipment in front of the store window, making sure we weren't surprised by any unwanted - undead - guests. She had told me last night, before she went to bed, that she had wanted to talk to him again to tell Shadow it wasn't too late for him to turn back and head to the bunker.
Looking at them all, I stored the image deep in my mind. It looked like a perfect moment of peace among friends mixed with the unnatural aura of readiness for death that war brings. Every moment might be the last that I see them relatively happy.
Viper looked over and made eye contact with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. She looked down to my elbow quickly and looked away. Looking down I realized that I'd been scratching my wound. Taking conscious control of my arms, I lowered them to my sides and began tending to my own gear.
Going through my weapons and rations with the systematic process I'd developed as the war against the undead had carried on. Rolling up and packing my small blanket, storing my rations, carefully checking to make sure the medical supplies I had taken with me were still safely intact. Strapping on my belt with it's holsters and ammunition slots, picking up my magnums, checking that the safety was engaged. Releasing the ammunition cylinder and counting the six bullets loaded inside, I snapped the cylinder back into place and slid the two guns into their holsters. Picking up my battle rifle, checking the safety, ejecting the magazine inside to see that it had a full clip ready and waiting, sliding it back into place, and slinging the weapon to my back. Checking, re-sheathing and strapping on my two katanas to my belt as well.
Finally, I picked up my battle scythe. I ran my hand along the smooth, lacquered shaft and along the face of the cold, metal blade. The most symbolic of my weapons. The only one I'd ever taken a true interest in keeping clean because I wanted to, not just because I knew I had to. Reaching into a side pocket of my pack, I drew out a clean rag and set about cleaning the scythe as best I could. Spotting a patch of dirt, dabbing the cloth on my tongue and wiping the blade until it shone. Grimacing over the little scratches on the blade. It's true that skulls are the hardest bone in the body. After the fusion of the different sections as an infant, it becomes a true safety barrier for one of the most valuable things in the human body. But after the body dies, it's skin tissue and bones start to erode and decay. It makes it easy for a well aimed blade to slice through almost any part of the body. But sometimes it's not an old decayed body you're slicing through.
'I am the Reaper,' I whispered to myself, slowly running my fingers over the blade again. I bring hope to the living. I bring death to the undead. I am one of the former, becoming one of the latter...
As the sharpened edge of the blade parted the skin on the face of my thumb it brought me out of my reverie. Looking around the room, I noticed that everyone had finished their packing and were looking at me with mixed looks of concern, sadness, and undying loyalty. Clearing my throat softly, I used a cloth from my bag to wipe the blood off of my scythe and used the clean cloth I had earlier to polish the blade quickly. Storing the clean cloth back in its side pocket, hitching the pack on to my back and sheathing my scythe, I turned to the others.
Smiling softly to my friends and family, I led us out of the store. And we set out to the first hospital. Reaching across my body to scratch my elbow, I steeled myself for the day."
Excerpt from the battle log of Steven A. Carpenter. Code Named: Reaper.
Life in the Shadows - Shadow
One night my dad came home completely smashed and my mother shoved me under my bed, as she often did in that situation, and went out to face him. This time was different though. I had unusual feelings of anger, courage and determination that took over my body. The feelings carried me out from under my bed, out of my room, and down the hall to my father's room. They lead me directly to his closet and forced me to reach up to the top shelf. Inside lay a shotgun with the end sawed off. With the emotions still controlling my every move, I picked the weapon up.
It was strange. Somehow I knew exactly how to use it. I checked the magazine and, as I assumed, it contained full ammo. Then I took off the safety, and cocked a shell into the chamber. I made my way out of his room and followed the shouting down stairs, where I found my father holding my mother by the throat against a wall. The emotions began changing from anger and courage to fear and anxiety. Then all of the sudden my mother's eyes met with mine and that look of terror changed them right back. I raised the fun and with a frightening smile on my face I pulled the trigger and put a round through the back of the man's skull.
At that moment it felt as if all time stood still and everything went quiet. There was an eerie silence filtering throughout the whole house. And while it may have been eerie, it just felt right. That's when everything becomes a blur. I remember little from that point until the infestation started.
Now i devote my life to killing every single on of those deteriorating bastards. I don't know why, but it seems I have an unhealthy hatred towards them! Whether it's because they remind me of my father, the way they stumble around, make a lot of noise, and have every intent to harm me, or if it's just an instinctive hate for something that frightens me..."
Excerpt from the battle log of Ben D. Helps. Code Named: Shadow.
Side Note:
So with the deaths of more then half the original squad, some new members added, some hard times overcome, and the beginning of a new age of man, our heroes and heroins will carve a new path for this new era.
With the evils they've faced and the trials they've overcome, it's easy to say they can do anything they put their minds to. But what of Reaper? What tragic fate awaits the captain after he received his tragic bite?
We'll be sure to find out as the next Battle Logs are written. Say good bye to Reaper's Realm... and welcome the new era of man in Reaper's Realm: Rise of the Demon!
Steve Carpenter - Author, and proud writer.
Personal Note: I would like to thank all my readers, however many you may be. I'd like to thank my brothers Matt and Jeremy for being there when I need them. Thanks to James for getting me into blogging in the first place. And thanks to Sarah, for reading page after page and letting me know what she thought, and for making my very first cover page.